Family Leadership


ECPAC is committed to ensuring that all strategies and efforts have families engaged in planning, implementation, and evaluation.  We know that efforts can only be successfully when they meet the needs of the young children and families they impact.  ECPAC recognizes that Adams County is a diverse community and we are dedicated to working hard to have diverse partnerships with families.

ECPAC has a goal to have all of our Action Teams have at least 10% participation from family partners.  To help us work towards this goal, ECPAC’s Family Engagement and Leadership Action Team partners work to develop a comprehensive, culturally responsive pipeline to recruit and support families into leadership opportunities.  See the ECPAC framework:  FamLeadershipEngagement.  This Framework:

  • Recognizes that it is important that families have support for meeting basic needs in order to fully engage in leadership opportunities.
  • Understands that parenting is difficult and all families need help.  Educational materials and parenting classes must be available and accessible to help them promote their child’s development.  Engaging family leaders from these classes is one strategy, recognizing the importance of engaging families who are not engaged in any service/support is critical.
  • Honors that some families/parents have natural leadership skills while others may need some training and support to develop or refine these skills so they can be strong leaders in our community.  For those needing or wanting support in these skills, Family Leadership information, classes, and support must be available/accessible.  Leadership can look many different ways.  One time opportunities – intensive involvement all are needed and equally important.
  • Acknowledges that our community must have leadership opportunities always available for families and that these opportunities must be offered as a true and authentic partnership.

The ECPAC Family Engagement Action Team is working to improve all areas of this framework.

One key effort dedicated to this work is the offering of Community Cafes.  ECPAC is supporting organizations and family leaders in hosting these cafes as a way to ensure family voice in efforts, build leadership, and create authentic partnerships. Community Cafe 1 pager Family Engagement final

Community Cafe 1 pager Communications, English and Spanish


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